Childcare – Recognition of vocational training completed in the EU See explanation of the designation of:



Recognition of vocational training completed by teaching staff for crèche, nursery school and/or after-school care groups in the context of European integration (qualification recognition procedure)

General information Explanation of this section

Vocational training programmes completed in the EU, the EEA or Switzerland can in principle be recognised in Tyrol.

The Tyrolean provincial government decides on the recognition of teacher training in the field of crèche, nursery school or after-school care following a corresponding assessment procedure. Before it can be initiated, such a procedure requires the submission of a written application for recognition of the training. This application must specify the field(s) (crèche, nursery school and/or after-school centre) for which recognition is being sought.

Requirements Explanation of this section

Successful completion of teacher training in the field of childcare. More information can be found in the Tyrolean Act on EU Vocational Matters (Tiroler EU-Berufsangelegenheiten-Gesetz), Provincial Law Gazette (LGBl.) No 86/2015.

Deadlines Explanation of this section

There are no specific deadlines to observe. However, the procedure should take between 6 and 12 weeks. Applicants are requested to take this into account when submitting their applications.

Procedure Explanation of this section

Once the Tyrolean provincial government has received the application for recognition and all the supporting documents, the first check establishes whether the evidence of skills and/or qualifications submitted is a diploma or certificate within the meaning of Article 3(1)(c) of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications (Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications) and whether the training completed corresponds to at least the level set out in Article 11(b) of that Directive.

If these conditions are met, the Tyrolean provincial government then assesses whether the training meets the recruitment requirements for the sector in Tyrol or whether evidence of additional qualifications must be sought. The Office of the Provincial Government of Tyrol obtains an expert’s report to this end. Additional qualifications, e.g. in the form of a supplementary examination, are required if the content or scope of the proven training differs substantially in certain respects from the vocational training required in Tyrol.

It should be noted that the territorial scope of a qualification recognition decision issued by the Tyrolean provincial government is limited to the territory of the province of Tyrol.

Required documents Explanation of this section

1. Diploma attesting to the holder’s qualification to work as a crèche, nursery school and/or after-school care teacher;

2. Curriculum setting out the content of the teaching and the number of class hours required per week of semester in the training to earn that qualification;

3. Certificates of professional experience, if any;

4. Birth certificate;

5. Proof of citizenship; for citizens of countries where no provision is made for issuing proof of citizenship, a copy of the page of their passport that shows their citizenship is sufficient;

6. If possible, a short chronological list of the school and other education and training received so far and the relevant jobs held to date (CV);

7. Any of the documents referred to in points 1 to 5 that are not in German must be accompanied by a German translation produced by a sworn translator or a registered translation agency.

Costs Explanation of this section

A) Fees

1) for the application: EUR 47.30

2) for the attachments (diplomas, confirmations, proof of citizenship, etc.): EUR 3.90 per sheet (one sheet corresponding to a maximum of two sheets of A4), up to a maximum of EUR 21.80 per attachment.

B) Charges

Provincial administration charge of EUR 70.00

C) Other costs

The fee that the expert will charge for producing their report cannot be precisely quantified in advance. However, experience has shown that costs of approximately EUR 200.00 can be expected. In cases that require more work on the part of the expert, the fee for producing the report will also increase in proportion to the time spent.


Competent authority Explanation of this section

Go to form Explanation of this section


Authentification and signature

The application does not have to be signed electronically – using a mobile phone signature (Handy-Signatur) or E-ID – or by hand.

Additional information Explanation of this section

This procedure applies to the following professions: teachers in crèches, nursery schools and/or after-school centres.

Legal basis Explanation of this section

Tyrolean Children’s Education and Childcare Act (Tiroler Kinderbildungs- und Kinderbetreuungsgesetz), LGBl. No 48/2010

Tyrolean Act on EU Vocational Matters (Tiroler EU-Berufsangelegenheiten-Gesetz), LGBl. No 86/2015

Legal remedies

Appeals against the decision notice may be lodged before the Regional Administrative Court. The appeal must specify the contested decision and the authority that issued it. It must contain a request and set out the grounds on which the allegation of illegality is based. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the authority that issued the decision within 4 weeks of notification of this decision, and must contain information that makes it possible to assess its timeliness. The authority may issue a preliminary appeal decision. The appeal may be filed electronically: Beschwerde im Verwaltungsverfahren (Appeals in administrative proceedings).

If the administrative authority fails to make a decision within 6 months, you have the option of filing a complaint before the Regional Administrative Court regarding the delay. This must be filed with the defaulting authority. The complaint must specify that authority, set out a specific request and demonstrate that the authority’s time limit for making a decision has expired.

Detailed information

Additional support and problem solving services

National Advice Centre for Vocational Qualifications [Nationales Beratungszentrum für Berufsqualifikationen]

Federal Minister of Labour and Economy [Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Wirtschaft]

Stubenring 1, 1010 Wien

Phone: Bürgerservice (+43) 1 711 00-805555


Last update
