
The Tyrolean Parliament is elected directly by the people of the Tyrol. The legal basis of its work is formulated in the Tyrolean Regional Constitution. The Parliament has a term of five years. In addition to legislation relating to regional affairs, the 36 Members of Parliament are responsible for approval of the regional budget and have monitoring functions with regard to the Government and the administration.
Although the basic parliamentary processes have remained unchanged, the political framework in which Parliament operates and the content of its work have undergone fundamental change, especially as a result of Austrian membership in the EU. In its legislative functions, Parliament now has a stronger focus on the international context and the need to respond to developments at that level. Parliament is also expected to react quickly and flexibly to formulate legal norms that are as citizen-friendly as possible.
As President of the Tyrolean Parliament, Sonja Ledl-Rossmann attaches great importance to making it more accessible to the people and enabling citizens to participate more closely in the parliamentary process, and in the political debates and decisions. The over one thousand individuals who take advantage of Parliament's open day to visit the plenary hall show very clearly that the people do want to know what happens there and how the world of politics works.
Information on the Tyrolean Parliament and its history is available from the office of the Parliamentary Administration and also from the Regional Audit Office and the Regional Ombudsman, which both report to Parliament.
Detailed information on the Tyrolean Parliament and all its members is to be found in the parliamentary materials. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact the office of the Parliamentary Administration: